Overview & Eligibility


study Purpose

The purpose of this research study is to examine brain processes involved in receiving social feedback about oneself. We are especially excited to conduct this study to help diversify the existing research on neural mechanisms that matter for social cognitive functioning!

Eligibility Criteria

  • Must be between the ages of 18-35

  • Be comfortable with being in an MRI scanner (i.e., no claustrophobia)

  • To increase representation, we’re specifically recruiting individuals who identify as Black/African American at this time

Study Session Overview

Following initial phone screening to confirm eligibility, participants will be scheduled for study session at the UNC Biomedical Research Imaging Center. During the study session you will complete a video-recorded interview about your personal strengths and weaknesses. You will then receive feedback about your performance from a trained evaluator while in an MRI scanner. You will also be asked to complete various cognitive tests and short questionnaires. If you complete the study, you will be paid $75 for your time and receive a picture of your brain!

Interested or Want more information?

Please see our FAQ page or reach out with any questions and/or concerns at SPARSstudy@unc.edu or call us at 919-590-4161