Improper sunscreen use and lack of sun protection from harmful UV rays can have negative effects on your health. Using sunscreen can help prevent skin cancer development!

To learn more about types of sunscreens to use, affordability, and general information about sunscreen, click the buttons below!

General Sunscreen Information

  1. Click HERE to learn information about what kinds of sunscreen are better for you and why you should use sunscreen in general.

  2. Click HERE to find a video and information on effective ways to apply sunscreen.

  3. Click HERE to learn more information about how to apply sunscreen, where to apply it, when, how much to use, why to use it, and more.

Ingredients and SPF

  1. Click HERE or HERE to learn about the common ingredients and SPF levels used in sunscreen.

Sunscreen and Skin Cancer

  1. Click HERE to learn about UV ray related skin cancer.

  2. Click HERE to learn more information on ways to stay safe and avoid skin cancer, with some sections highlighting UV light related problems.

Types of Sunscreens

  1. Click HERE to learn more information on types of sunscreens.

  2. Many popular sunscreens have been known to contain potential harmful chemicals. There has been a push to use less chemically infused sunscreens. Click HERE to find more information on types of sunscreens that may not contain harmful chemicals.

  3. Click HERE to find a list of different mineral based sunscreens ranging from $8-$50.