Do you want to learn more about cancer screenings and their importance? Cancer is one of the leading causes of death globally. Early detection can help prevention and treatment processes involved with different cancers. Attending regular screenings can help detect cancer early!

Here are a few resources organized by some types of cancers to learn more about the cancers themselves, screenings, and more! Click the buttons below to learn about a specific topic and to find local North Carolina screening services!

General Cancer Resources

  1. Click HERE for a cancer screening guideline from the American Cancer Society.

  2. The CDC Cancer service locator in the U.S. This resource helps determine if you are eligible for free or low-cost screenings and where they are found regionally. Click HERE to learn more.

  3. Click HERE to learn more about ways to support people you know with Cancer.

  4. Click HERE to learn about advice for people helping others cope with Cancer.

  5. Click HERE to find an NC database of organizations working to provide cancer services.

  6. Click HERE to find a Durham, NC based website with interactive tools to inform people on screenings they may need based on individual information (i.e. gender, age, previous diagnoses, and more).

Breast Cancer

  1. Click HERE to learn more information on how to check breasts at home for lumps with simple images.

  2. Click HERE to find a Charlotte, NC organization dedicated to helping the community receive breast cancer related services.

  3. Click HERE to find local services providing free mammograms around the NC triangle.

  4. Click HERE to learn more information on how to perform self-examinations (Spanish version available). The videos below also provide ways to perform self-examinations.

Cervical Cancer

  1. Click HERE to learn more information on the HPV test and Pap test and what to do if you get an abnormal test result.

  2. Click HERE to learn more information on what a Pap test is, what it detects, and reasons to get them. This resource also provides lists of local offices based on zipcode/city that offer screenings.

Colon and Rectal Cancer

  1. Click HERE for information about what kind of rectal tests there are, what they are, and how to do perform self-examinations.

  2. Click HERE for information about CRC, ways to test for CRC at home for low risk people, and costs of CRC testing.

Prostate Cancer

  1. Click HERE to find a prostate cancer database showing testing locations around NC as well as their affordability

Skin Cancer

  1. Click HERE to find an organization in Chapel Hill, NC to schedule free skin cancer screenings.

Testicular Cancer

  1. Click HERE or HERE for information about what testicular cancer and ways to identify it at home.

  2. Click HERE for information on testicular cancer and ways to get a testicular screening at your local PlannedParenthood.