Learn More About BASS


What is the purpose of the study?

Scientists so far have learned that stress can sometimes negatively affect our health. We have also learned that this may happen because stress can change the way our brains process information. One of the most stressful events in our lives is searching for work and we are hoping to understand stress better in our study by working with a group of people currently experiencing that stress. With the new information gained from the study, we hope that eventually we can better provide some stress relief for people.
There is a medication called minocycline that is typically used as an antibiotic, but recent studies have shown that it also might affect our health during stressful times. The medication is already FDA-approved and taken by many people, we are just testing the theory that it could help reduce the effects of stress. 

BASS Has 5 Main Parts

1. Initial Screening. Complete an eligibility survey and our study team will follow up with a phone call to verify your eligibility.

2. Screening Visit. Visit us in Howell Hall on the UNC campus for a brief (1.5 hour) visit to enroll you in our study.

3. Drug Period 1 + Study Visit 1. Take one drug for 5 days at home then come in-person for a visit where you will complete computer games, a finger prick and EKG, and some surveys.

4. Break. Take at least a 2-week break before completing the second medication period.

5. Drug Period 2 + Study Visit 2. Take one drug for 5 days at home then come in-person for a final study visit (computer games, finger prick and EKG, and some surveys).

Continue reading below for more details on each part of the study

1) Initial Screening

Prospective participants should complete the pre-screening questionnaire below. After completing the prescreen questions, participants will then be contacted and screened via telephone by a trained research assistant in the lab to assess whether they meet additional eligibility requirements. Eligible participants may then schedule a screening visit.

2) Screening visit

Once screening is complete, you will come to UNC to complete quality-of-life surveys, learn about the full study schedule, and receive the first dose of medication. This visit will last about 1.5 hours.

3) Drug Period 1

In the first drug period, you will take either minocycline (an FDA-approved antibiotic) or an inactive substance (placebo sugar pill) for 5-days. This will allow us to see if there are changes in how your brain behaves between the two conditions! In this double-blind experiment, only the study doctor will know which medication you received. After you take the first medication for five days, we will have you come to UNC to complete some computer games. This visit will last about 1.5 hours.

4) Break

You will then get at least a 2-week break before we ask you to take the second medication for five days. This is to make sure the drug washes out of your system!

5) Drug Period 2

The second drug period is identical to the first. You will take whichever medication (minocycline or placebo) you did not take in the first round. Then, we will have you come back to UNC to complete some computer tasks! This visit will last about 1.5 hours.

If you have questions or concerns about your rights as a research subject, or if you would like to obtain information or offer input, you may contact the Institutional Review Board at UNC-Chapel Hill by emailing IRB_subjects@unc.edu or by calling (919) 966-3113.